THE HUMAN NEEDS OF SMART NATIONS IN THE ERA OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCEAbstract. Understanding how the mechanisms of intellectual development work allows us today to see trends in the impact of digital information and communication tools on cognitive abilities. Digital technologies not only change our lifestyle and give us new ways to communicate, but also redesign the mechanism of our brain, our cognitive abilities. Technologies are improving exponentially, and the Internet is rapidly transforming the intellectual abilities of the average person. Artificial intelligence is capable of surpassing man in many fields of activity already in the XXI century. For many people modern benefits of a civilization turned out to be factors not of development, but degradation. At the same time, due to the spread of the Internet and the general improvement in the comfort of life, there are increasing differences in the levels of development of individuals. New ways of effective thinking for preservation of human brain advantages in its already started competition with artificial intelligence appear as mankind reaction to the current situation. One of such methods is called troublehacking: with its help it is possible to search for the best way to solve a wide range of tasks algorithmically. Troublehacker is a perfectionist of systems; the inventor of non-standard ways of the solutions of problems, applying them in practice; a prototype of the person of the future who will have an indisputable superiority over artificial intelligence.
Authors:Ilia V. Volochkov
Independent researcher, President
International Academy of Troublehacking (IAT);
Irina E. Sokolovskaia
doctor of psychological sciences, Professor of the Department
of social, General and clinical psychology faculty of psychology
Russian State Social University
Date of publication:October 2020
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